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Lunar Cry : A Post-Apocalyptic Final Fantasy Game

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[01 Dec 2014|06:40pm]

Who: Seifer and Quistis
When: Backdated to the morning of Nov 23
Where: A cabin in the mountains
What: Anniversary celebrations
Warnings: Language probably

Happy anniversary. )

[01 Dec 2014|07:57am]

Who: Balthier (as Thierry Joso) & open.
What: Shooting the breeze, getting people sloshy.
Where: Curiel, Balamb Town.
When: Monday, Dec 1st.
Warnings: TBD. Language probably.
Status: Incomplete.
Note: Balthier is on the clock from 4PM to 2AM. Just be sure to make note of the time somewhere in your reply.

Shifting up his arm garters for the umpteenth time, Balthier frowned at the mostly empty bar. )

[Text to Rydia] [23 Nov 2014|12:52am]

Glad ya back.

She's glad for one day of comfort, Only because she has suffered... [22 Nov 2014|11:20pm]

Who: Fang & Lilia!
What: MCD Patrol!
Where: Around Balamb.
When: Sunday, Nov 23rd, 2pm
Warnings: tbd, probably none (Maybe violence against monsters and sexually oriented jokes?)
Status: Incomplete!

You can't tell me you never even thought about trying to ride around one of those flying fish before. )

You're all I need, I'm in the middle your picture, Lying in the reeds... [22 Nov 2014|11:20pm]

Who: Fang & Vanille!
What: The kids have been tucked in... Now what?
Where: Orphanage in Balamb city
When: Saturday, Nov 22nd, 8pm or later?
Warnings: tbd, probably none (Maybe some foul language?)
Status: Incomplete!

It was a beautiful thing to watch. Even if - in some ways - every day it broke her heart. )

I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night, That tonight's gonna be a good night... [22 Nov 2014|11:20pm]

Who: Fang & open!
What: Drinks!
Where: Bar in Balamb city~
When: Friday, Nov 21st, 7pm and later.
Warnings: tbd, probably none (Maybe booze and some foul language?)
Status: Incomplete!
Note: Open to mulitple interactions throughout the night. Please note time of night in the subject line of your starter!

Really, the only way Fang would ever be bothered by would be if someone else was hurting those she loved. )

[text to Lulu] [22 Nov 2014|05:59pm]

I found silver ones!


This is Rikku btw


Let's have a party! [22 Nov 2014|07:49am]

Who: Raijin, his daughter Maya and his ex Jilly (NPCs), and anyone invited to Maya's party!
Where: Jilly's house, Balamb Town
When: Saturday, November 22, 1pm and onward
What: Maya's fifth birthday!
Warnings: tbd, probably none

Happy birthday, Maya! )

On the edges of the sharpest knives [20 Nov 2014|05:22pm]

Who: Squall and OPEN
What: Mr. Lion needs to be social again
Where: Around Balamb Garden, eventually getting to the cafeteria
When: Thursday, November 20th @ 4pm-ish

I've seen enough to know it's lonely where you are. )

[text to Seymour] [20 Nov 2014|04:54pm]

So this is me being horribly late with the sympathy texts. I'm truly sorry for your loss. Also, did you get the flowers and moogle plushie? I wasn't sure what else to do, so... yeah.

[19 Nov 2014|10:53pm]

Who: Galuf and Open!
What: Having dinner in the cafeteria
When: Evening
Where: BG Cafeteria
Warnings: TBD. Maybe language, Galuf's an ornery old coot.

Galuf's knee was telling him they'd see snow soon. )

[16 Nov 2014|02:36pm]

Who: Selphie and Quistis
What: Meeting up at the festival
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Balamb town
Warnings: TBD

This town wants to make me fat. )

[16 Nov 2014|08:49am]

Who: Seifer and Lulu
What: Lunch
Where: The Balamb Hotel
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: TBD

Food. It's what's for lunch. )

[15 Nov 2014|12:09pm]

Who: Larsa and [OPEN]
What: Day one of the festival!
Where: Balamb Square
When: Saturday afternoon
Warnings: TBD

Autumn...the year's last, loveliest smile. )

[14 Nov 2014|05:56pm]

Who: Lulu
What: Hunting
Where:Great Plains of Esthar
When: Backdated to Sunday, November 9
Warning: Language, Violence.

It was time for action. )

Deliveries [14 Nov 2014|05:40pm]

To Ms Selphie Tilmitt )

To Ms Beatrix Alexander )

To Mr Seifer Almasy, Esq )

EVENT [14 Nov 2014|12:05am]


Today marks the start of Balamb Days, a yearly festival in the town of Balamb. The middle weekend of November is always set aside for Harvest-themed festivities, but this year things are extra special. Balamb's population has hit the 5,000 mark, and town officials have really gone all out. The roads are full of vendors, games, and even street musicians or the occasional chocobo ride!

Festival-goers are encouraged to pitch in with decorating the town, with prizes occasionally being awarded for most festive displays. Best yet, it's a three-day weekend! No school on Monday! On Saturday, a pumpkin-themed bake-off is held in the town square. On Monday, the festival officially comes to close just outside of town with the Great Pumpkin Chuck!

[11 Nov 2014|07:24pm]

Who: Rikku + Random NPC + Open!
What: Wandering around Balamb town
When: Late afternoon
Where: Balamb town
Warnings: TBD

A pretty girl shouldn't hide her eyes. )

[text to Raijin] [11 Nov 2014|10:40am]

- still a go for tonight?

[09 Nov 2014|09:40am]

Who: Seymour Guado + NPCs
What: Funeral
Where: Macalania Temple/Guadosalam
When: Saturday, November 8th
Warnings: None

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins? )

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